Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rat Tails

Rat tails are amazing. Seriously amazing. Who thought of it? What was going through their head when they decided to go for that look? "I want all of my hair short except for one sick string of hair in the back...kinda like a tail on a rat". Yes, good idea. Very good idea. I once made my friend take a picture of a man with the best rat tail I ever saw. I was at cedar point and there it was. He fit the perfect stereotype of your typical rat tail supporter. The cutoff jorts, the john deer hat, and the t-shirt shirt that said something about America. The best was his rat tail was through the back hole of his john deer hat and that his rat tail exceeded past his butt. It couldn't have been more perfect. I needed a pic of it. But how can we take it without being really rude? I needed to capture this memory for the rest of time but I didn't want him to know! I guess I'm rude. ok so what we did was I stood near him with some thumbs up, so my friend made it look like the pic was being taken of me, but really he captured a perfect snap shot of the rat tail in action. When composing this blog I had all intentions of putting that pic up as the pic for the blog, but then I felt like that was wrong. So forgive and forget.
A kid that I went to grade school with sported a nice rat tail from first to 4th grade. It was pretty awesome. I feel bad cause it haunts him for the rest of eternity. I just recently reminded some old friends of how he used to wear it and I cannot see him without asking him if he remembers when he had one. I'm not sure if he likes that or not. If I was a boy, I def would be proud that I had one if it was not as a joke but because I thought it looked cool. I mean I had weird fashions as a child, not as extreme as the rat tail, but I would def have in my myspace about me: I had a rat tail and thought it was cool for 4 years of my life. Because that sums up everything.
I love when rat tails are braided. Its great. I think its a really good idea. I think when I have kids, I will give them rat tail hair cuts. so I can just laugh at them a lot. Even if they are girls. Why not? You only live once. I think a few of my friends that are girls had mini ones growing up. poor kids.
All in all, mullets are overdone and rat tails are way better anyways.

1 comment:

Snaloic said...

Sorry but I love rat tails... it is very cut especially for boys but even for adults!