Monday, July 30, 2007


I like nice people because they make me happy. I like people that care about the environment because it gives me hope. I don't like cocky people because no one needs 'em. I like funny people because they entertain me. I don't like boring people because they make me tired. I like weird people because they make me think. I don't like jerks because they make me frown. I like cultured people cause they teach me things. I don't like animal haters because they piss me off. I don't like smelly people cause they hurt my nose. I like optimists because they are uplifting. I like pessimists because they bring me down to reality. I don't like insensitive people because they make me cry. I don't like gross people because they gross me out. I like nerds because they make me smarter. I like players because they tend to have a chin strap. I don't like people that say, "I know right", because I find it annoying. I don't like dicks because they perform dick moves. I like people that share my interests because it creates good conversations. I like people that are good at puns because they are awesome. I don't like bitches because they are rude dudes. I like tennis players because its a good sport. I don't like brown nosers because they are the worst. I don't like muscular people because it comes with an attitude. I like people that are witty because its clever. I like smiley people because they cheer me up. I like musicians because I think they are cool. I don't like people that ask too many questions because they don't try to think. I like x-treme people because everythings more exciting that way. I like people with odd talents because its impressive and humorous at the same time. I like creative people because they have good brains.

I also like cats.

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