I like this show. I have liked it since I was a young child. My father would watch it with me. I recently just rewatched it. I still like it. The close up parts are interesting. It is pretty gross. I do not know why I liked it as a child. I liked it so much that I begged my parents for a Stimpy doll. Then one day, I went to Toys R Us and my parents said today was the big day where I could finally have my own Stimpy doll. I was so happy. I got to the aisle and there he was. So cute. But there were only a few Stimpys left and a million Rens were still on the racks. Poor Ren. Nobody wanted a Ren doll. I got the Ren doll out of pity. He farted when you squeezed his stomach.
Good choice.
I do not know why I was such a boy and liked things like that as a child. My sister and I would play 007 more than any boy would. My father only had two daughters so I think he sometimes just pretended we were sons. He srsly made me go outside and play catch with him. I told him I did not want to but he told me I had a good arm so I should. He wanted me to play softball but I said, "Sry, I am not a lesbian."
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
i always wondered why you got a ren doll when you liked stimpy more...
Don't they even make those anymore?
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