Sunday, January 27, 2008


I love tea. Never did I ever until this past month. Now, I am obsessed. I feel like it is cleansing my soul and keeping me awake at the same time! I also have sleepy tea. It does not make me sleepy. I believe it is a mind trick and if I believe it makes me sleepy then I would get sleepy. But I did not let my mind work its powerful magic and I stayed up for 3 hours after I chugged my sleepy tea down.
Sad story: Yesterday, I went to Spot Coffee and ordered Pink Grapefruit Green Tea!!! So good! So hot though. We sat on the couch. Then my friend came to join us so we had to move over to make room. My friends currently sitting on the couch had no consideration for the scolding hot tea on my lap and decided to make room for my other friend real quick and moved around real fast causing my tea to pour all over my pants. It hurt. I wanted to scream. I was in a public area so I was able to restrain my scream by making the saddest frown I could for several minutes.
Speaking of getting burned. At the age of 4, I did not understand why the coils turned red on the stove when my mother made me Ramen noodles. When she took the pan off, I rested my entire palm including fingers on the red coils. I was real blistery and had to draw a cat in preschool with my left hand. I sucked at it, so my BFF helped me draw it. She drew the whiskers all wrong and I was pissed.
Back to Spot. Before all the chaos happened with the huge spillage on my legs, I had another incident before. As I was ordering, the worker asked me what my plans for the evening were so he could have a quick convo with me for a nicer tip. My plans for the evening were to attend an art gallery because my friend has some work up at it. Never do I go to art galleries on a Saturday night. Actually, never do I really go to art galleries on any night. I am just not that kind of person. I like art, ok, but plz understand what I mean. But, just like a typical Spot customer, I got my tea and told the worker that I was attending an art gallery.
I felt typical.
I hate feeling typical.

My cat has a really comfy cat bed and was sleeping on the kitchen floor instead one day. My friend said, "why doesn't Mitch ever sleep in his cat bed?" I said, "Because that would just be too typical."

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