Monday, July 30, 2007

The Response

When I get a new hair cut, for example, and its noticeable and no one says anything, its very sad/embarrassing. It means that its so bad that they can't even mention it. They think they are playing it up like they do not notice, but they do and I know and I get sad. I used to use that as my approach to not having to mention things, but I realized its rude because we all know I noticed and its just rude. It's even better to say its not THAT bad than to say nothing at all. But when someone says its not that bad, that means its pretty bad and that is sad. I also don't like when say for example when I did get that hair cut and someone stares at it for so long that they say they like it. No, you do not like it, you were just looking at its ugliness for so long you had to say something. In conclusion, when I get a bad hair cut:
a. if you do not say anything, I am sad
b. if you say its not that bad, I am sad
c. if you say you like it, I am sad
So, I now try to get less noticeable haircuts so I can just hope that they truly do not notice.

Sticky Buttons

Why is it so miserable to use a computer with sticky buttons? Why is it always the most important button that is on the keyboard that is sticky. I guess since its the most used its the most prone to be sticky. But its really annoying because I rarely use x. It actually could be sticky and I wouldnt really know because I never really use it. I dont like it. Or the stupid F_ buttons. I dont really care about them. They can be sticky and my life wouldn't be too bad, but when the space bar is sticky my world gets a little gloomier. In addition to the gloom, its gross cause what caused that stickiness? When I'm at the computer in the library and its sticky, I just think ewww some gross smelly person was eating some caramel popcorn and sticking his fingers all down his throat and then touching his dirty hands all over the place on the keyboard. Most likely staying away from the x or F_ buttons because it would be too convenient to let the stick fall on those ones. No he has to save all his stick ick nasty fingers for the space bar. Not only are sticky keyboards the pits, but don't even get me started on sticky controllers for nintendo. My little cousins love ruining my controllers. I don't know if its physically possible for them to play without having sticky sick hands. Maybe it helps them play? But I find it really annoying cause I have gotten into actual arguments with my sister for who gets the sticky controller. No one wants it. If you lose you blame it on the controller. If you win you boast the hell of it saying how amazing you are winning with the sticky controller. Its just no fun all around. Some kids just look sticky. They are always the ones that try to hold my hand. And the ones with colds. They are obsessed with holding hands. I would probably buy a new cell phone if it had a sticky button. The buttons are too few to be having one be troublesome. A pound I would consider not getting a new one but then again its the space bar for my texts so its very necessary. I do not like letting sticky looking people borrow my calculator either. The last thing I need during a test is to have a sticky button and be getting annoyed at that in addition to the fact that all tests are pretty annoying. I did let someone borrow my calculator once and it came back sticky. It was very annoying. But I just pressed the button about 1,000,056 times till it got sick of sticking and back to his old self. In conclusion, sticky fingers annoy me and I wish people would try a little harder to rid themselves of the stick.


I like nice people because they make me happy. I like people that care about the environment because it gives me hope. I don't like cocky people because no one needs 'em. I like funny people because they entertain me. I don't like boring people because they make me tired. I like weird people because they make me think. I don't like jerks because they make me frown. I like cultured people cause they teach me things. I don't like animal haters because they piss me off. I don't like smelly people cause they hurt my nose. I like optimists because they are uplifting. I like pessimists because they bring me down to reality. I don't like insensitive people because they make me cry. I don't like gross people because they gross me out. I like nerds because they make me smarter. I like players because they tend to have a chin strap. I don't like people that say, "I know right", because I find it annoying. I don't like dicks because they perform dick moves. I like people that share my interests because it creates good conversations. I like people that are good at puns because they are awesome. I don't like bitches because they are rude dudes. I like tennis players because its a good sport. I don't like brown nosers because they are the worst. I don't like muscular people because it comes with an attitude. I like people that are witty because its clever. I like smiley people because they cheer me up. I like musicians because I think they are cool. I don't like people that ask too many questions because they don't try to think. I like x-treme people because everythings more exciting that way. I like people with odd talents because its impressive and humorous at the same time. I like creative people because they have good brains.

I also like cats.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Lonely Smile

When a person is walking all by him or herself and they are smiling its really nice. You know that that person is just so happy at that moment in his/her life. I really want to know what they are so happy about. I thought of this because I just did it. Its really nice and happy and then you notice someone spots you smiling to yourself and then its not as happy anymore because you just feel weird. But its really funny to be all alone and just walking, yet so happy that you can't hide smiling. Sometimes I am so close to reaching laughter but I try so hard to hold it in, cause who laughs to themselves? That would actually be scary. But I feel that funny things happen to me and then I will be walking down a long hallway and boom it pops into my head and I really need to laugh. So there I am walking alone and smiling my face off. Then people look at me and I wish I wasn't. But I really like when I see people doing that so I guess it is ok that I do it. It is kinda a day brightener. If I see someone smiling all to their lonesome, I start smiling cause they look so funny.
The worst is when people would ask what you are smiling about. Because it could be something so random. Something most likely from last night, but I have been caught to be smiling at a childhood memory. Then when they ask, I just feel weird saying, "Oh I was just laughing when I was 4 and my sister took my face and smashed it on our coffee table cause she was mad at me and I have a scar from it but now I was just thinking what my parents were thinking when it happened cause thats so violent so I decided to think about it as I'm walking from English to Differential Equations". So the lonely smile is a lot better when you see people you don't know doing it, or people you don't know see you doing it because when you have to talk about it, it ruins all the fun.

Rat Tails

Rat tails are amazing. Seriously amazing. Who thought of it? What was going through their head when they decided to go for that look? "I want all of my hair short except for one sick string of hair in the back...kinda like a tail on a rat". Yes, good idea. Very good idea. I once made my friend take a picture of a man with the best rat tail I ever saw. I was at cedar point and there it was. He fit the perfect stereotype of your typical rat tail supporter. The cutoff jorts, the john deer hat, and the t-shirt shirt that said something about America. The best was his rat tail was through the back hole of his john deer hat and that his rat tail exceeded past his butt. It couldn't have been more perfect. I needed a pic of it. But how can we take it without being really rude? I needed to capture this memory for the rest of time but I didn't want him to know! I guess I'm rude. ok so what we did was I stood near him with some thumbs up, so my friend made it look like the pic was being taken of me, but really he captured a perfect snap shot of the rat tail in action. When composing this blog I had all intentions of putting that pic up as the pic for the blog, but then I felt like that was wrong. So forgive and forget.
A kid that I went to grade school with sported a nice rat tail from first to 4th grade. It was pretty awesome. I feel bad cause it haunts him for the rest of eternity. I just recently reminded some old friends of how he used to wear it and I cannot see him without asking him if he remembers when he had one. I'm not sure if he likes that or not. If I was a boy, I def would be proud that I had one if it was not as a joke but because I thought it looked cool. I mean I had weird fashions as a child, not as extreme as the rat tail, but I would def have in my myspace about me: I had a rat tail and thought it was cool for 4 years of my life. Because that sums up everything.
I love when rat tails are braided. Its great. I think its a really good idea. I think when I have kids, I will give them rat tail hair cuts. so I can just laugh at them a lot. Even if they are girls. Why not? You only live once. I think a few of my friends that are girls had mini ones growing up. poor kids.
All in all, mullets are overdone and rat tails are way better anyways.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Pillow

My pillow makes me extremely happy. I am very sensitive about it. I get really annoyed if it touches anything that it should not. I think it is slightly weird yet I cannot not feel that way. The worst thing in the world with my pillow is when a foot touches it. It is meant for heads. Not feet. Feet are the worst part about humans. I hate them. They are gross in every way. When a foot touches my pillow I can go from being super happy and loving life to super sicked out and worrying about how gross that is. I feel like a brat changing the cover for every foot that touches it and I try to brush it off like its no biggie, but inside I want to scream/shrivel up into a sad little ball. I think that is really weird, but it is the truth. I really hate a foot on my pillow. I hate anything but my face on the pillow, but a foot really gets me.
My pillow makes me so happy because sleep makes me so happy. But sleep without my pillow makes me less happy. When I am without my pillow I just think about the better sleep that I could be getting with my pillow if I had it. There are a few occasions where I am pretty content with the pillow that I am sleeping on that is not my own and I am very thankful for those days, but for the most part, I need my pillow to reach maximum happiness.
It's ironic because my pillow is barely a pillow. It lost its fluff and now it is just a few feathers in a sack. But it is most comfortable to me spiritually, physically, and mentally. I am complete with my pillow and I appreciate all the times we share together.
I so want to get one of those >$100 pillows. They look nice but I'm not sure how the parting of the pillow I love so much would go over. I think it would be a slow transition where I have my loved one next to me and the new one in front of me. I will start with the new but end up on the old. Then the new will be pushed in the corner and I will realize that I can never part with my first true love, my pillow.
I think I love my pillow so much I should name her. Her or him? I'm not sure what is more normal. If I decide a girl is more normal I will name her Trista. If I decide it is more normal to say my pillow is a boy then I will name him Philip. Well I think I will name my first dog Philip. I just think that is funny. But if I never get a dog, then I will make it my pillows name. But I do plan on getting a dog, actually 2, one huge one and one little one and they will be best friends and it will look really funny, but besides that I will name one Phil, so then I think I would name my male pillow Terrance.
I think a fleece pillow cover would be really comfy. I'm going to look into that.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon Dynamite is funny. This is why I am mad at America for overkilling it. I can't watch it. When it first came out, I loved it. I liked so many parts of it, I wanted moon shoes, tator tots tasted better, and I loled every time I thought about the steak hitting Nap on the bike. I don't think I could watch it again though because it was the most overkilled movie I ever experienced. Stop saying you were "online looking at hot babes all day". That WAS funny, till YOU ruined it, America. If I ever watched it with someone and that certain someone quoted every quote they could including singing every lyrics to the "yes i love technology" song, I would stab their arm with a moldy fork. (Can forks get moldy? It sounded better and more original than rusty.) Anyways, I'm just mad at the overkill because I would like to watch it again. Yet, I hate it double time because I know that if I were to watch it, I would be tempted to quote it. That just makes me sick.


I really like using the terminology "beefcake". It's funny. But an actual man that is a beefcake, hes a lot funnier. Just because you take steroids you think people will think you are hot. Just because you workout more than you sleep, you think people will adore you. The sad thing is, yes, there are people to adore you which is why you continue to stare at yourself in the gym mirror, but for the most part I rate you a huge OH PLEASE. Most beefcakes aren't even cute because they:
a. wear wife beaters
b. carry around gallon water jugs to be cool
c. are too concerned about their looks
d. gel their hair
e. go tanning
f. OD on cologne
g. head knod
h. 50% of their conversations are about protein, 45% about bangin hot babes, 5% just dumb
ok but I will give them one thing. It is a common trend for the average beefcake to sport the hot and sexy chin strap. OH GAWD when I see a really good chin strap, it makes my day. The thinner the better. I want to know what they are thinking when they are shaving and they leave that tiny string on their face out. I don't get it.
But I appreciate having beefcakes around because they make me laugh a lot. And I should befriend one when it comes close to moving cause that would be pretty convenient.

The Poop Pen

This is the poop pen. A friend sent me a link to ebay that was selling this pen. My first reaction was "ew you're so sick" but then I decided to give it a chance. The header for selling the pen is: EWWWWWWWWW! IS THAT POOP? WHOA, ITS A PEN?? COOL. So, ya, that is kinda funny. But still, my first thoughts were just why. Why does this need to be created? But then after contemplating the poop pen for several minutes, I thought of ways that it could be funny. For example, I work in a very professional setting. I think if I used that as my pen at a meeting, but acted like it was normal, that that would be very funny. I would need to time when to pull it out though. I would have to wait till the actual meeting began so there was no time for someone to question it. Its better if everyone just sees it, but since the main person is talking you just stare at the pen and want to say something but can't. So for that reason, I think it would be funny to own this. Why is fake poop so humorous? I do not know. Maybe sometimes I wish i didn't find it funny, but the fact is, I do.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Alarm Clocks

I need an alarm clock that will wake me up but not put me in a horrible mood.
The buzzing really makes me hate life.
The beeping makes me want to pull out my hair.
The cute little moving ones that crack stupid morning jokes make me want to puke.
I need an alarm clock that will wake me up into a pleasant awakening with a happy attitude going into the rest of the day. I'm not sure that exists. I currently use my cell phone and I put it in vibrate mode and it has been working well until yesterday for the first time in my life I slept right through my double alarms that I set! So this morning I felt the need to use the alarm sound again. It was painful. Physically painful. I think purchasing a good alarm clock is worth coughing up some extra bucks but I do not know what is a good alarm clock. What about those ones that are jungle noises. I don't think that would be too bad. I used to think the ones that slowly get louder and louder would be good, until I used it and wanted to kill it in a harsher and more twisted way every time it raised a notch on the volume. The problem with that was I woke up at the slightest sound, so it just got worse every second. I think the actual rooster ones are the worst. I think I would accidentally kick real roosters because they reminded me of how mad they make me each morning and I'm not into harming animals. The worst alarm clock was my mother. In high school I let her wake me up. Bless her little heart for being so kind as to wake me up, but it just made me so mad at her! No scratch that, the worst was my little cousin. Whoever thought it was funny to tell little Olivia to wake up her cousin should be forced to eat egg salad because Olivia thought it was really funny to actually jump on me as a wake up call. I however, didn't find the humor in it.

I think the world would be a better place if we could all just wake up naturally and let our days begin naturally. We would be so much happier. I would really like it.

Safety Glasses

I have to wear safety glasses while I am walking throughout the shop floor where I work. I recently made fun of a co-worker of mine for having the "nerdy" safety glasses. His are the kind that fit over glasses if you have any and if you don't they are just big and funny. The ones I wear are sleeker and fit my face better. But then after having a good laugh at his loser glasses, I thought to myself, Aren't all safety glasses pretty lame? I mean, there are different styles, but safety glasses are safety glasses: lame-o-rama. Anything safety is pretty dorky. It's a lot cooler to live on the edge and take risks. Dorks wear pocket protectors and safety glasses and knee pads and shin guards. I do however envy those cool enough to pull off safety as "cool". Cause its beneficial to themselves and they are cool. What a world!


Wait, I don't get it.

Are they serious? Do people actually like this band? I mean ok not everyone likes the same music. But Nickelback? I really think they are just kidding when it comes to music. I think right after I finish this blog I am going to search Nickelback in my facebook friends and defriend anyone that I am friends with that has them under favorite music. Unless its a joke because I have been very tempted at times to write: NICKELBACK ONLY!!!!! in my profile for some good laughs. But come on, people actually like this stuff? I'm confused.

Egg Salad

Lets get hard boil eggs, moosh the crap out of them, add mayonnaise and more sick shit and call it a salad. GOOD IDEA! sike
I recently came across the disgustingness of egg salad
at a meeting
that provided "lunch". For trying out new
things, I decided to not eat
meat for a summer. So far,
my life has been pretty fine and normal. I
often dream
about chicken wing
s and their magical wonders, but
that, I've been holding pretty strong. Until

Yesterday was one of the first times I swore at my
nonmeat eating
habits. Why? Because these were
my options: turkey wrap, roast beef
chicken salad, or EGG SALAD. What was
I thinking when I grabbed
that dreaded egg salad,
I cannot recall, but it had become a disaster.

It didn't look that bad, I thought to myself. Who was I kidding? It's
There was a reason why I lived 21 years of my life without
trying it. I knew there was, but in my 2
seconds I had up at the table
making my decision of sticking with my vegetarian goals, I chose that
horrible egg salad wrap.

The First Bite: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. just swallow and dont puke just swallow and dont puke just swallow and dont puke

The Swallow: OHHHMEEEGOOOOOSHUUUUUGHHHHHHHski If I puke, it will be the most disgusting yarf a person could puke.

There are things such as alright puke and bad puke.
Alright Puke -
doritos, marshmallows, shamrock shakes
Bad Puke - pulled pork, refried bean burrito
have-to-puke Puke - egg salad.

What if I puke and it gets in my nose, but
its too far back that i cant blow it out so I will have to live
the smell until it goes awaynaturally? I would rather be skinned alive. I believe egg salad was
first created as a method of torture and
some sick freak jokinglyestablished it as a "food" and...actually
have no idea how it is still around today. Its horrible. I hate it. I wish it was never created.I wish I
lived my whole life without ever
trying it. I don't understand people that will comment to this and say
EGG SALAD IS GOOD!How can you possibly think its bad? If you feel like commenting that I would
prefer you just go to hell or at least another planetcause you're not human. I wouldn't feed my dog that.
I wouldn't feed my neighbors dog that! The only way I would feed that pieceof junk to someone is if my
job title was Cruel and Unusual Torturer. ew the thought of it makes me want to DIE. I hate everything
about egg salad and I hope it becomes extinct.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Not only are warts really really gross, but I think its one of the grossest words ever. So good job to whomever gave a wart its name.

(I will save my blogging fans from having to look at a picture of my topic)

Hot Sauce

I never ate hot sauce before I was 21 years old. I was never interested. For some reason, I tried it this year. Now, I feel like I can put it on anything. I have a hot sauce and humus wrap every day. When I was out at the Pita Pit, I ordered hot sauce, humus, spinach, and feta cheese. I got weird looks and my friends told me I was really gross, but I often wish I was back at that Pit because it was very delicious. I recently realized how much I liked hot sauce when I made some eggs and put it on that. I think its normal, but for someone that never used it before this year, I think I'm overdoing it. I really like it hot.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sour Patch Connectors

Sour Patch Connectors are an amazing candy. They come in so many flavors such as: Bubble Gum, Cotton Candy, Blue Raspberry, Tangerine, Strawberry Cream, and more! They are shaped similar to a horse shoe so you "connect" different flavors together! You can twist and connect more than 28 flavor combos! You can make it sweet AND sour, double sweet, or extra sour! The options are limitless!

The Beginning: I first came across this beautifully tasting goodness at the movie theater. I rarely ever buy candy, but fate pulled me over to the counter. "What are connectors?" my friend and I questioned. "They look amazing", we thought. So we purchased what we later realized was the best thing that ever happened to us: The discovery of Sour Patch Connectors. My life has been changed ever since.

The downside: Sour Patch Connectors are very rare in this world. The ratio of connector to store that sells candy is about 1:56. After putting lots of thought into it, I look at it as a good thing. If they weren't so rare, maybe I wouldn't appreciate them as much. When I do finally stumble upon a bag of them, it then leads me to the question of when is it reasonable to eat it? You can't just eat it any time you want because they are too important. One needs to wait until its the perfect moment to consume such a glorious wonder.

The OTHER downside: Cotton Candy is my favorite flavor. It's so delicious! In my findings, I have realized that besides Connectors being rare in general, the cotton candy flavor is the rarest of them all! In a typical box you will find about 35 connectors. On average, 5 are tangerine, 5 are lemon, 5 are cherry, 3 are blue raspberry, 4 are strawberry cream, 6 are tropical punch, 5 are bubble gum, 2 are cotton candy.

Conclusion: They are basically a huge deal and the best thing that ever happened to me.

Recommendation: I know after reading this blog your first thought may be, "I need to try these!!1!", but please be aware, once you try them, you will be hooked. They are so rare, it might not be worth trying this amazing glorious wonder because then, you too, will end up like me and be a slave to the Connectors, living your life each day hoping that today could be the day you strike it big at the grocery store. Is it worth it? For me, it is. You need to ask yourself if you are prepared for this new lifestyle. Good luck in the decision process.


I feel there is no need to hold meetings at work. Everything can be done via internet. How come every time i suggest a chat room instead of meeting in an actual room I get weird looks/laughs? It's more efficient. Unless it's something major to discuss, why is it so uncalled for to meet in a chatroom?

cell phones

I think people should try to limit their use of the cell phone when they are out with other people.
I think people should try to limit their use of the cell phone when they are in the car with other people.
I think people should try to check their voicemails in a timely manner even though its annoying to do so.
I think texting is beneficial.
I think T9Word is efficient and if you say you are against it but you are really only against it because you don't know how to use it you should learn how to use it.
I am confused how I lived my life before I had a cell phone.
This bothers me.
I am not concerned about a cell phone giving me cancer.
I hate when cell phones heat up after a long chat.
I like getting new ring tones yet I always have my phone on vibrate.
I wonder when home phones will no longer exist.
I always want to save my phone's contact list in case I lose/get stolen/break my cell phone, but I never will.
I thought the mini cell phone in Zoolander was really really funny.
At first, I thought camera phones were overdoing it, but I really appreciate my camera and have printed pics that came out very nicely.
Now, I want to get the Iphone, but its not verizon.
I do not understand why everyone doesn't have verizon. ITS THE BEST..right?
I tend to think people with the pink razors are bitches, but I know really nice people with them, but I can't not think that even though I have proof its not true.
Are extended batteries nerdy?
I really like my LG.
Don't carry a cell phone in your back pocket if you are prone to falling down stairs.
What is more important small length or small width? It seems that width is a big deal but I think a small length would be cute.
I think its gross when I see kids under the age of 15 with a cell phone, but I guess its becoming normal?
I used my EZ Tip Calculator and got made fun of.
I think checking email on cell phones is overkill. Are you really that important?
I like when phones ring in class.
One time I had a teacher that answered the phone.
As long as people follow cell phone etiquette, I look forward to seeing the future of them.