Monday, October 22, 2007


Ewwww. Why? I don't get it. It's gross. I think everyone that attends a wrestling match just feels really uncomfortable.
Girl wrestlers? What? Why? Congrats on doing something different, but thats kind of just weird. But I did like that one episode of Saved By The Bell when that girl wrestled. But that wasn't real life. If I had a daughter and she told me she wanted to wrestle, I would tell her that she is disgusting and needs to see a doctor. Actually, if I had a son that wanted to wrestle, I would first ask him if he was gay. If he was, I would tell him that he didn't have to wrestle just to touch other men. I am not sure how many wrestlers are in fact gay, and I actually think the number is pretty low, but I think if you were afraid of coming out of the closet you would maybe want to take it up. Wrestlers basically have sex.
If he told me he was straight I would tell him, "No you cannot wrestle, you are just going through an awkward phase and you will thank me later."
The True Life: I have an eating disorder with the wrestler was sad and made me hungry for him.
Why can you spot a wrestler so easily? Short: check. Weird sort of muscley upper bod: check.
AND CLEAN THE MATS YOU SICKOS. It is common for wrestlers to get staph infection. Gross. Really Really Grody.
I'm sure wrestlers are nice people but I am just confused where their heads at. Or maybe its their parents to blame because I know my child will never be one of them. Or maybe I should be getting on the creator of wrestling, but I'm pretty sure he created it as a joke and someone didn't get it. Sports should have balls. ONE ball. (I actually can't believe I just made that joke)
The WWF is actually entertaining to me. But please note that I am referring to high school and college style wrestling. Not entertaining professional.


Anonymous said...

Hi i am a women wrestler for a High school team. I first started in middle school thinking the same thoughts you have. But after a few practices I loved it! I don't like it just because I can feel up all the guys. I just love the sport because it is a individual sport. I have never met any wrestlers that were gay! Most of the guys that wrestle are actually really big chic magnets or there always more sexual. It might look uncomfortable to do or even watch but if u had a son or daughter that wanted to do I think u should encourage it! My mom was not that impressed that I wanted to wrestle and still won't go to much of my meets. Really if u tried wrestling I think u would like it!
Another thing is where I live you have to wash mats after or before every meet or practice. A lot of wrestlers get things because they are coming in really close contact with a person. There is a lot of gross things in wrestling but wrestling gives u a lot of confidence.

Anonymous said...

Yeah lady, learn wut ur talking about b4 u say it. I'm 13 and have been wrestling for 6 years and there is no way i'm gay. I'm freakin sick of people talkin like this, "Aww its soo gay, y would they want to wrestle- o yeah 2 feel up other guys, Ha Ha," Well u no wut its not freakin funny, this is the hardest, oldest, and most put off sport in the world 2day. I dare u 2 try it and i will bet my freakin hand u would quit, just like all the others! Do some research- and by the way- ur just hurting ur kid not letting him do it, it the best thing thats ever happened 2 me.

Unknown said...

i wrestle for my high school. its only my second year and i'm loving it. lots of people told me that it was gay and all i do is feel on guys. well that isn't true at all. i bet half of the guys that said wrestling was gay couldn't survive half of the season. when you are out there on the mat it is just you and your opponent. its a great sport. more people should try it.

<> anonymous <> said...

i am a freshman wresler at esperanza and i got second in league. i admit wreslers share stronger bonds than men in normal sports but this DOES NOT MEAN WERE GAY. we only seem gay because of the physical contact we all must share. this only means we are comfortable in our sexuallity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm i wrestle in high school and i would love to say that you sir, are a complete faggot. You know nothing about wrestling so shut the fuck up. People like you piss me off. First off, in high school i would garuntee u wouldnt last one practice cuz its fuckn insane where im from. Second, im not gay u cunt. Most wrestlers are badass and get more chicks then u will ever feel so go jackoff or somethin dickwad. Finally, u only say shit like that cuz u know u couldnt do it. So again as politely as i can say it, shut the fuck up

Anonymous said...

what a fucking fag. dont call us gay just becaues your not comfortable enough ith yur sexuality. i feel bad for your kids, u must be bringing them up like pussies. bet u prefer a more "manly" sport like football huh? ive played football all my life and when i got the opportunity to wrestle i quit football. its the easiest sport ive ever played. wrestling is a challenge to say the LEAST

Anonymous said...

dont talk about shit you dont know about. because, OBVIOSLY, you know nothing about it. im a girl, & wrestling is WAY harder than it looks. if you havent tried it then dont talk stuff. its like ten times harder than football. wrestlers have balls, you just play with them. dude you seriously need to stop when you dont even know the sport. its so much more complicated than you think. wrestling is all about endurace, strength, and character. grow up. ive only wrestled for 2 years, but ive learned alot.

Anonymous said...

alright. dont say shit, unless you know what your talking about. its our lifestyle, not yours. we dont talk trash about how much of a fag you are because you do things that we dont agree with. ive been wrestling for 8 years. and been varsity since i could be. im definitely not gay, quite the opposite really. just please learn what your talking about. dumb bitch

Anonymous said...

Where do you live, cause i should jump your @$$ and beat you with a stick. Wrestling is not a gay sport, its only gay if you get horny or something while doing it. It's a competetion of strength, speed, endurance, and skill, not making love to your opponent, you golfing sissy.

Anonymous said...

hey faggot i hope you die you are the kind of ppl that I want to shoot. i want to kill you and your family. you are a retarded faggot who has no clue what you are taking about. you are to much off a pussy to ever wrestle. also girls who wrestle are not messed up you fucking faggot

cediton said...

just because you are to much of a bitch to wrestle doesnt mean its a bad thing to do. its not gay until you think like that. i agree with all of the comments above you are just retarded. not all sports have to be played with 1 ball, wrestling can be the only sport where you need a pair to be brave enough to get on the mat. not in a girls case of coarse however i think that if girls are going to wrestle, wrestle girls. the boys are at a disadvantage we have to worry about touching you wrong and shit so wrestle your own sex please