Friday, November 16, 2007

The Eye F*ck

I got this term from the movie Wedding Crashers. Did I like that movie? No, not really. I mean, it has some sort of maybe but not really potential but it was long as f*ck and I think that ruined it completely. But what I did get out of this little movie was the term "eye f*ck."
It's funny to say. It's funny to do. It's funny to have done to you. It's funny.
Eye Effing can be very creepy when done incorrectly. I am very good at doing this incorrectly. Never have I successfully eye boned a hottie. Have I tried? Of course. I think it has worked toward my disadvantage. I believe they think "ew, who is that creepy creepster glaring weirdly at me?" But in reality, I'm nice. Not creepy.

I am pretty sure no one has ever realized that I attempted the eye f*ck.

Oh well.

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