Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"That's what she said" Update

I feel enough time has gone by that I think in certain situations it could still be funny. Before I only thought Michael Scott could say it for me to approve. Now, I think it has aged in such a way to the point where I find the humor in it. I look at it the same way I view the word "phat." Its old enough to use again. I have come to realize that that is my main problem in life. I cannot stop using things that have aged and are sort of weird to say in 2008. I say them. I say even say "peace out." The problem lies when I meet new people. I do not stop the weird language. Sometimes people get freaked out. But they are stupid anyways because obviously I am joking and obviously they are idiots.

So go on and if someone says, "Put it in!" please, be my guest, just say it.


Sherri said...

sometimes i slip and say things like "that's pimp" to people that don't know that i'm saying in a funny way and not a serious way and i'm not sure if i should explain myself or just not care anymore about my fresh slang.

nicholas alan said...

all angelas fingers are good for is counting rice