Sunday, September 9, 2007


BEST THING EVER. One time, in a get-to-know-each-other group activity, we had to say our name and one thing about ourselves.
Hi, my name is Jamie and my favorite thing to do is sleep.
I pondered my response for quite some time. Is that depressing? If that is really my favorite thing, that is kind of sad. But no, because its so amazing how can it not? I am not saying that is the only thing I ever want to do. I like doing a few other things too. But when my head hits the pillow and I know its that time again, I get real happy.
Ok, so I am sure we all know how amazing sleep is so here is my least favorite thing: when my arm falls asleep during slumber. I am awkward and sleep on my stomach. I am not sure what I will be doing when I become prego some day but I will worry about that when the time comes, but I sleep on my stomach and usually on top of my arms. I often wake up in the middle of the night and both of my arms are asleep. I honestly freak. When they are asleep I sit up super fast and flail my arms wildly around for several minutes until I regain feeling. Its probably the weirdest feeling ever. I feel like my arms are two clubs and every time I get scared they will never feel normal again. Then finally I feel all the blood surge back into my arms and soon I am fine again. I hate it though. Truly hate that feeling. What if I was on MTV's Real World and it happened? They have cameras that can see you in the dark and would be able to see me when I awake to my arms being asleep and have a total tweak attack.
It also sucks when you want to sleep in a car ride and your mouth is obsessed with being open.
I have seen people sleep with their eyes slightly opened and it is extremely creepy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sleeping with your eyes open is super creepy!!!!! Someone should tell Andrew :p