Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"That's what she said"

enough already.



Its hard to update blogs all the time. But I started the bloggers lifestyle, so it's my duty to keep updating it. Just do not hate me for not always updating it because its not always easy. I don't have google analytics for goodness sake. Is it weird to say "oh my goodness"? I think its nice. Should the ? go inside the quotes? I feel like it shouldn't so I didn't but I'm really not sure. I did not major in English. I did however get the Most Improvement Award (The Gammerman Award) last semester in my writing class. I got it because I did not care about the class and had other homework to do when the first assignment was due and I was aware that we could always resubmit the paper for a regrade. So i turned in a 40% paper. I was expecting more of a 10% but what did I care? I could resubmit it! Anyways by the end of the semester it was an A paper, hence the biggest improvement in the class. lol. I have a certificate to show you. I could care less about certificates. They are so lame. But I mean, it's nice. They are trying to be nice. and I see that.

I just hope that no one hates me for not updating my blog. I'm sorry for being busy. In a really short time (12 days!), my college life will be complete and I will have nothing to do for a few months. I will sleep the majority of it. But the times I am awake I will blog my life away. I will also play some basketball. Hopefully racquetball. Maybe poker. Maybe bake some cupcakes for my friends. Maybe get a makeover. I dunno. The usual. But just understand that school is taking over my life and blogs will come in the near future. I do not know what else will come in the future. Hopefully new technologies. Like drive through grocery shopping. I think that is such a good idea. Order online. It tells you to pick it up in 30 min or whatever. Then you drive up. I did watch this weird thing on youtube about new technologies too. They are going to connect all Flickr photos so viewing the world will constantly be updated every second. It's hard to explain, but really cool. But ya, I'll blog soon.